“Sew Your Bliss” Course

Helping sewists
with adult ADHD

Creating calm from chaos

“Sew your bliss” course

Learn to overcome frustration with your ADHD brain so that you can sew and be joyfully creative again.


Tame your squirrel brain and sew the things you love

“Space cadet” 



These are all words that others have used to describe me. And for years, I believed them. Until I got my ADHD diagnosis and was able to put a name to how my brain works.

Suddenly, everything made sense. I wasn’t defined by those negative behaviors. My brain just worked differently.

Can you relate to this? 

Does this sound like you?

  • Struggling to plan and complete a sewing project
  • Wanting to start a project, but just can’t
  • Your sewing space is always chaotic and nearly impossible to use
  • All the negative emotions from feelings of failure, shame, and fear.

Living with ADHD means fighting your brain daily to accomplish anything. Frustration and anger come from trying to fit your squirrel shaped peg into a round hole.

If you are like me, you may not have known that you had ADHD until you were an adult. It was never your fault that you struggle with things that seem easy to others. It’s time you shed those years of negative self-talk and sewing paralysis.

You deserve to sew beautiful clothes for yourself

You are NOT lazy!
You got this!

Woman standing next to a dressmakers dummy

You don’t lack self-discipline. You aren’t lazy. Your brain just works differently and has so many beautiful superpowers you can tap into. When you are in the zone, creativity pours from you like warm summer sunshine on a field of flowers.

Let me be your cheerleader, your Auntie Althea. I’ll put the coffee on so we can get to collaborating on your success. 

I am hosting a small intimate 8 week workshop this fall and would love to work with you to help sewists with ADHD. Please fill out this application and I will contact you when we get closer to the start date. You will learn tools and systems to help with ADHD disorganization so you can happily create amazing garments. 

Trust me,

that was me, too.

I get it.

Years went by and I just couldn’t get myself into my studio to make a single thing. After the kids moved out, we bought a new place. It had a lovely upstairs light filled room that became my studio. And it was quickly overwhelmed by bins of fabric, piles of fabric, baskets of notions, and other teetering piles of mayhem.

Enough was enough

Something had to change. I spent a lot of time looking for tools, systems, and new ways of thinking. My sewing space went through cleaning, purging, and organizing several times.

This helped me to declutter my sewing space and reset my limiting beliefs about what I could do and achieve.

I started sewing again. Once I discovered the wonderful world of historybounding, my heart grew two sizes that day. Go ahead, ask me what’s on my dressmaker’s dummy. [change image to me with my dressmaker’s dummy.

You can do this, too.

You don’t lack self-discipline. You aren’t lazy. Your brain just works differently and has so many beautiful superpowers you can tap into. When you are in the zone, creativity pours from you like warm summer sunshine on a field of flowers.

Learn to overcome frustration with your ADHD brain so that you can sew and be joyfully creative again.


Althea’s channel is a refreshing take on videos about historical costuming and history bounding! I love the process/planning videos that show an approachable way to achieve your own history bounding style, as well as the mix of research and personal experiences shared throughout the videos ❤️

Get yourself on to my mailing list to get tips for historybounding, sewing with ADHD, get notified when a new video drops, or other cool things happen. Do it! :

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